Simple wisdom 1:
“Papa Jean one day was angry and I asked why are you angry what is wrong? Papa Jean said nothing is wrong I am just angry and this too shall pass.”
This simple teaching was that I don’t always have to know why I have the emotion at moment and to be fully present with it is to be full in that emotion.
Simple wisdom 2:
Pay more attention when life is clear, still, and peaceful.
I often forget to look for the peaceful moments of everyday life when there is always so much commotion going on.
Simple wisdom 3:
The Journey is trying to remember who you are and forget who they want you to be.
I have lost myself through the eyes of other people but I have also found myself through the eyes of other people.
Simple wisdom 4:
Acceptance and observation of a behavior is a simple practice but doing nothing about it is not.
When you observe an atom, its motion changes. Just by watching a behavior, it can change.
Simple wisdom 5:
Keep it simple. Start on step one
Live life at its simplest form.