About me

With over 7 years of meditation practice, learning self-development and self-help strategies, I have achieved a fulfilling and peaceful life. I have completed 12-step Codependency programs, acquiring the necessary skills to improve my life. Transitioning from unhealthy relationships and challenging work environments, I now embrace loving relationships and respectful workplaces. My life has transformed through learning boundaries, healthy communication, and self-compassion. My experiences have taught me that happiness can coexist with life's inevitable challenges. Simplifying everything and mastering acceptance, self-compassion, and humility has been key. I have navigated through my own darkness, learning to embrace and work with it, ultimately transforming it through observation and acceptance.

Finding the balance in between the light and the dark is a path that brings vitality and serenity simultaneously. The true nature of Yin and Yang is my life’s work. I work on myself daily with a practice that is simple and highly efficient. My practice follows the art of Taoism an ancient Chinese practice that works with the balance of life I call the middle path.